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KristenMostowy (1)

Kristen Mostowy

Kristen is a Litchfield DTC member and attorney with her own law practice, currently running as the Democratic candidate for Probate Judge of Litchfield Hills Probate District 24. The district includes twelve Northwest Corner towns. In 2020, she served as campaign treasurer for the Matt Dyer campaign for state representative of the 66th District, an experience that prompted her to jump into running for office herself in 2022. She has spent the past several months meeting with voters and attending events as part of her candidacy.

“This is such an important position in our community and my diverse legal experiences as well as my personal experiences make me a strong candidate for this position. I am looking forward to continuing to be involved with both the community as well as the DTC.”

In addition to volunteering as a 2020 campaign treasurer, Kristen “also volunteered my time to assist with canvassing voters via texting as well as door knocking for the candidates in the district. It was a great experience and helped me meet more members of my community and learn more about the issues my community cares about.” Kristen recently married Matt Dyer, who is again the Democratic candidate for state representative of District 66.