Public Medicaid Option Gets Hearing on HB 5463

March 20, 2018 @ 10:00 am
Room 2A of the CT Legislative Office Building
300 Capitol Ave
CT 06106
Lynne Ide

The Human Services Committee will hold a public hearing on the Medicaid Public Option Bill (HB 5463) this Tuesday, March 20, beginning at noon. Details about the hearing and sign-up procedures in the legislative Bulletin, —under Public Hearings. Details:

(HUSKY E) would require that the Department of Social Services design a program for Connecticut residents who aren’t eligible for Medicaid/HUSKY to buy coverage. Thanks to Rose Ferraro of Universal Health Care Foundation of CT for this summary of the key points of the bill:

  • To be implemented by DSS Commissioner in consultation with the Office of Health Strategy and Health Care Cabinet
  • Creates HUSKY E as a Medicaid public option
  • Includes, but not limited to, Essential Health Benefits
  • For those not eligible for HUSKY A, B, C and D
  • Funded by premiums charged to enrollees

HUSKY E study needs to include an examination of whether the state should:

  • Apply for a state innovation waiver to allow people to use Advance Premium Tax Credits and cost sharing subsidies towards their premiums
  • Charge enrollees copays and deductibles, and if so, at what amounts
  • Sell the HUSKY E plan on Access Health CT