SENATOR CHRIS MURPHY Plus Jahana Hayes Candidate for Congress Maria Horn Running ag. Ohler – State Rep David Lawson Running ag. Miner – State Senate Melissa Osborne Running ag. Witkos State Senate Saturday, Sept. 8 9:30-11:00 am
Geer Village Canaan , Ct
77 So. Canaan Rd (rte. 7)
Democracy First! started at the beginning of Dec. 2016 when a small number of concerned citizens met to organize an action-oriented, practical response to Trump’s agenda. As of Jan. 1, 2018 we are 450+ strong. Our belief is that democracy depends upon an educated & engaged citizenry. We have single-issue teams that focus on such topics as healthcare, climate change etc. Our particular focus is Litchfield County, CT, but we also work at the state & Federal level. This year we will pay particular attention to the Nov. elections.