Betsy Glassman
Betsy is chair of the LDTC Scholarship Committee and a Campaign Committee member currently focused on the LDTC website. The Scholarship Committee grew out of our goal to encourage young people to register as Democrats, learn what LDTC does and be involved in our mission and events. We provide
scholarships to high school seniors who reside in Litchfield and have made awards every year for the past four years. The Campaign Committee works to promote and elect Democratic candidates on every level: local, state and federal. We organize phone banks, mailings and other campaign communications, as well as door knocking, meet-and-greet and fundraising events, where we host public officials among other guests.
Betsy is also a retired teacher and tutor and has been involved in Litchfield projects as an environmental advocate and public information writer/photographer since the early 1990’s. She’s an avid gardener at the Litchfield Community Garden and helped to preserve that property, now known as the Graham Thompson Preserve, and other Litchfield open space as a member of the Litchfield Land Trust for nine years. Betsy is an eight-year Stage 4 cancer survivor, yoga practitioner and singer-songwriter, playing both flute and guitar.