What’s Next for Litchfield
A forum to examine the issues that will affect the future of our town will take place on Monday, April 29 at 7 p.m. at the Bantam Borough Hall. There will be a presentation on several of the important decisions ahead of us, including the path towards school regionalization, our choices concerning the aging Town Hall and Bantam Town Hall Annex buildings, the management of the Town’s debt, and decisions affecting the quality of the education we provide for our children.
There are many different points of view about these issues. The Litchfield Democrats offer this opportunity to hear and discuss them in an open forum, and seek out ways to work together to build the best future for our Town.
This gathering is family friendly, and all are welcome. Light refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Alex Larssen, chair, at alexlarssen2356@gmail.com