National Popular Vote would make your ballot count
Monday, February 26th:
Ken Dixon: National Popular Vote would make your ballot count
The CT Post reports on MEVC’s presence in Connecticut as a positive sign of the “resurgence of the National Popular Vote.” Dixon quotes liberally from MEVC spokesperson and former CT resident Jim Glassman, a State Department Assistant Secretary in the George W. Bush administration.
“This kind of change is doable,” Glassman, a Republican, said. “It’s doable nationwide. It’s doable in Connecticut. And it’s urgent, given the state of America today. This is a completely nonpartisan view. People want to reconnect with their government, and this change will give them that opportunity.”
Dixon also notes that “one important person who changed his opposition to the idea, is Speaker of the House Joe Aresimowicz, D-Berlin.” He then adds, “If you’re interested in the issue, contact you state representative and senator. It’s an election year. So they have to listen to you.” more….