Deadline for submitting names for Region 20 Board of Ed
72 West Street
Are You Interested in Serving on the Region#20 Board of Education?
The Office of the First Selectman is accepting resumes of any electors of the Town of Litchfield who are interested in serving on the Region#20 Board of Education. The Board of Selectmen will hold a Special BOS meeting on July 12th to warn the Town Meeting and sign the call. At the Special Town Meeting, which we anticipate will be at the Litchfield FireHouse on July 20th at 7pm, all interested candidates must be nominated and voted on at the Town Meeting, the legislative body of the Town.
We will accept candidate resumes until July 18th by either hand delivery or email to 1stselectman@townoflitchfield.
Interested candidates, that have not submitted resumes, will still have equal opportunity to be nominated from the floor at the Town Meeting.