Rules of the Litchfield Democratic Town Committee Revision Adopted February 5, 2013
It is the mission of the Litchfield Democratic Town Committee (hereinafter in these Rules referred to as the “LDTC”) to promote good government and Democratic principles at every level of our civic life. In order to do so we:
• encourage citizens to become voters, and voters to register as Democrats
• seek out and support the most qualified Democrats to run in and to win municipal, state and national elections
Specifically, we:
• seek out, nominate, encourage and support the best possible Democratic candidates for town elected and appointed offices
• suggest the best possible Democratic candidates to fill vacancies on town Boards and Commissions
• send delegates to Democratic conventions to nominate State legislative candidates, Congressional candidates and candidates for Governor, United States Senator and other statewide elected offices.
All meetings of the Democratic Party of the Town of Litchfield shall be open to all members of the public.
The time and place for all public meetings of the LDTC shall be publicized fully and in such manner as to assure timely notice to all interested persons. Such meetings must be held in places accessible to all Party members and large enough to accommodate all interested persons.
The LDTC shall support the broadest possible voter registration without discrimination of race, color, creed, gender, national origin, physical or mental disability or gender orientation.
The LDTC shall encourage full participation by all Democrats in the delegate selection process and in all party affairs.
The policies and principles of the Democratic Party of the Town of Litchfield shall be formed decided and executed by the LDTC.
The LDTC shall consist of not more than 31 members who shall be elected at large. No person shall be elected to or shall hold the position of Member of the LDTC unless the candidate’s name appears on the current enrollment list of the Democratic Party in the Town of Litchfield, Connecticut.
Candidates for membership in the LDTC may seek the endorsement of the Democratic Party at a caucus called for that purpose in even numbered years in
accordance with Section 3 of this Article II and the rules of the Democratic Party of the State of Connecticut, as amended from time to time. The endorsement of the Democratic Party for such office shall be determined by a plurality of votes cast by those present and voting at the caucus.
The enrolled members of the Democratic Party in the municipality at a caucus called for the purpose shall, by a plurality vote of those present and voting, select party-endorsed candidates for the LDTC. Notice of the time, place and purpose of said caucus shall be given to all enrolled Democratic voters of the municipality at least five (5) days, but not more than fifteen (15) days, in advance of the caucus by publication of the same in a newspaper having general circulation in the Town of Litchfield and by posting the same in the town hall. In addition, if the LDTC has approved presenting a slate of nominees for Member of the LDTC at the caucus, the Chair shall post or cause to be posted the complete list of the persons on such slate on the LDTC website not later than the date the foregoing legal notice is first published. At the caucus, nominations for election as members of the LDTC may be made by presentation to the caucus of a slate consisting of a number of candidates recommended by the LDTC not exceeding the number to be elected at the caucus, and by nomination of individual candidates from the floor of the caucus.
Candidates for LDTC Members endorsed by a caucus as provided in Section 3 above shall run in the Primary for LDTC as party-endorsed candidates. Such candidates shall be elected as Members of the LDTC if no valid opposing candidacy has been filed. In the event no party endorsement is made, election of the LDTC shall be made by direct primary in accordance with the rules of the State Party Rules (as defined herein). Whenever a primary for election of members of the LDTC is to be held, the nominee of the Democratic Party for such office and the members of the LDTC shall be determined by a plurality of votes cast.
The first Tuesday in March shall be designated Primary Day for the election of the Members of the LDTC.
Members of the LDTC shall serve for a term of two (2) years, commencing on the day following the day established for holding the primary for election of said LDTC Members and ending on the day established for the holding of the primary for the election of the Members of the succeeding LDTC. At the date of the last amendment to these rules, the term of Members of the LDTC begins on the day following the first Tuesday in March in even numbered years. The provisions of this section shall apply notwithstanding the lack of cause for a primary to elect said members.
Any vacancy on the LDTC, arising from any cause, may be filled by the LDTC, by a majority vote of the Members of the LDTC present and voting at a meeting called for that purpose. In the event that a vote is taken that shall results in a tie, the Chair of the LDTC may cast a vote on such vacancy to break a tie. This provision shall not affect the right of the Chair to cast any vote as a member of the LDTC to which the Chair is otherwise entitled.
The LDTC, at a meeting called for that purpose, may, by a majority vote of those present and voting, increase its membership, provided that all new members shall be duly elected and begin their term on the day following the day established for the holding of the primary for the election of the members of the succeeding LDTC.
All elected or appointed officials serving the Town of Litchfield who are currently enrolled in the Democratic Party shall be nonvoting ex-officio members of the LDTC. This provision shall not prevent any said office holder from being elected as a full member of the LDTC in accordance with Article II of these By-Laws.
The Executive Committee of the LDTC may nominate non-voting honorary members of the LDTC to honor elected Democrats for their contributions to the LDTC, the Democratic Party or the community in general. Honorary Members may be elected by a majority vote of the members of the LDCT present and voting at any meeting.
Within thirty days after the day fixed for the holding of a primary election, the Members-elect of the LDTC shall meet for organization and shall elect as officers a Chair, a Vice Chair, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer and a Deputy Treasurer. The Chair of the Town Committee in office immediately prior to the day of said primary shall call such organizational meeting. If such Chair fails, for any reason, to call such organizational meeting within the period prescribed, it shall be the duty of the Vice Chair serving concurrently with said Chair to do so within 48 hours. If such Vice Chair fails, for any reason, to call such organizational meeting, it shall be the duty of the State Central Committee members who represent Litchfield to call such organizational meeting within 48 hours.
The officers of the LDTC shall be elected from within the membership of the LDTC. In the event that a vote is taken that shall result in a tie, such tie vote shall be dissolved by the vote of the Chair then in office. This provision shall not affect the right of the Chair to cast any vote as a Member of the Town Committee to which the Chair is otherwise entitled.
Officers so elected shall hold office for the term of the LDTC electing them or until their successors have been elected. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Chair of the LDTC shall be elected to any elective public office in the Town of Litchfield, the Chair shall be deemed for all purposes, upon taking the oath of office for such position, to have offered his or her resignation as Chair, and the office of the Chair shall thereupon be considered vacant.
Each officer shall have the duties usually incident to his or her office and such other duties as the LDTC may from time to time prescribe. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the officers shall have the respective duties specified in Attachment A (Duties of Officers) to these rules.
Within one week after organization of the LDTC, the Recording Secretary shall file with the Secretary of the Democratic State Central Committee a list of the names and addresses of the officers and members of the LDTC and the name of the Litchfield Democratic Registrar of Voters.
Any officer of the LDTC may be removed from office by a two-thirds(2/3) vote of the entire membership of the LDTC at any meeting of the LDTC upon proof of neglect of duties or for other good cause as may be determined by such vote of the LDTC.
If there shall be a vacancy in any office of the LDTC arising from any cause, the LDTC shall fill the same by a majority vote of the Members of the LDTC present and voting at a meeting called for that purpose. In the event that a vote is taken that shall result in a tie, such tie vote shall be dissolved by the vote of the Chair or the acting chair, as the case may be, but this provision shall not affect the right of the Chair to cast any vote as a Member of the LDTC to which the Chair is otherwise entitled.
The Executive Committee shall determine the number and frequency of regular meetings of the LDTC, provided, however, that the LDTC shall meet at least six (6) times in each calendar year. The Executive Committee shall provide a schedule of meeting dates and times to its members not later than April 1 in each year.
Special meetings of the LDTC may be called by the Chair and shall be called upon written request, signed by fifty percent (50%) of the members of the LDTC presented to the Chair. Upon the decision of the Chair to call a special meeting or upon receipt of such written request, the Chair shall instruct the Corresponding Secretary to give at least five (5) business days’ notice of the time, place and purpose of such meeting to all members of the LDTC.
Section 3. QUORUM
Two -fifths (2/5ths) of the Members of the LDTC shall constitute a quorum.
Robert’s Rules of Order (newly revised) shall be construed as applicable, controlling and conclusive on parliamentary issues, except as herein otherwise provided.
Section 5. VOTING
The use of secret ballots, or any form of secret voting, is prohibited for any vote being held at a LDTC meeting.
The LDTC shall have five standing sub-committees and may have any number of other ad hoc sub-committees, provided that no such ad hoc sub-committee may supersede or usurp the duties or responsibilities of any of the standing committees. The standing sub-committees shall be the Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Nominating Committee,
LDTC Membership Committee and Campaign Committee. Ad hoc sub-committees may be designated or discontinued from time to time by the Chair; such ad hoc sub-committees may include, without limitation, such sub-committees as an Issues Committee, an Outreach Committee, a Rules Committee, a Public Information Committee and a Young Democrats Committee.
Except as provided in Section 3(a) below, the Chair shall appoint all members of standing and ad hoc sub-committees. The Chair shall (except in the case of the Finance Committee) designate one of the members of each such committee as the chair thereof. The Chair shall be an ex-officio member of all subcommittees. Except as provided in this Article V, standing sub-committees shall consist of no less than three or more than seven Members of the LDTC. The size of ad hoc sub-committees shall be determined by the Chair.
(a) Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, the Vice Chair, the Treasurer, the Recording Secretary and the Corresponding Secretary; provided, however, that in the absence of the Treasurer for any reason, the Deputy Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee in the place of the Treasurer. The Chair shall serve as chair of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall meet at least four (4) times each year. The Executive Committee shall assist the Chair in organizing the work of the LDTC and in preparing a budget for the conduct of the activities of the LDTC, and shall communicate the position of the LDTC on relevant issues, campaigns, platforms and other matters.
(b) Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall be responsible for raising monies needed to meet expenses of the LDTC. The Finance Committee shall help to organize major fund-raising events but shall call on and require the support of the entire LDTC in implementing any such event. The Treasurer shall be the chair of the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall meet from time to time upon the call of the Treasurer.
(c ) Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of at least five Members of the LDTC. The Nominating Committee shall identify, encourage, recruit, interview, screen and select from among enrolled Democrats persons who may be interested in being candidates for elective or appointive municipal office and shall recommended to the LDTC persons to be nominated as candidates for election to or to fill vacancies in town offices, boards and commissions. The Nominating Committee may invite other Democratic members of the boards or commissions on which a vacancy exists or is expected to exist to participate in its activities. The Nominating Committee shall give timely notice by e-mail to all members of the LDTC of the existence of a vacancy on a town office, board or commission, and after due deliberation shall present to the LDTC the name of each candidate selected to be recommended for nomination as a candidate by the LDTC or to fill a vacancy. At a meeting called for this purpose, the LDTC may approve or recommend a candidate selected by the Nominating Committee by a majority of the Members of the LDTC present and voting at the meeting. When a vacancy is to be filled by appointment, the Chair shall recommend in writing the name of the Democratic candidate selected to fill such vacancy to the appointing authority.
(d) LDTC Membership Committee. The LDTC Membership Committee shall be responsible for recruiting persons who are, or are eligible to become, enrolled voters in the Town of Litchfield to become members of the LDTC, either by election at the bi-annual nominating caucus or by election by the LDTC to fill a vacancy or vacancies that from time to time may occur in the membership of the LDTC. In carrying out its responsibilities, the LDTC Nominating Committee shall seek to identify individuals who have the ability to live up to the commitments of membership in the LDTC, who have the time and energy to become active members of the LDTC, and who represent a diverse cross-section of the membership of the Democratic Party, including without limitation by reason of age, race, sex, gender preference national origin. In addition, the LDTC Nominating Committee shall attempt to avoid nominating more that two members of the same immediate family (whether or not residing at the same or different addresses) for membership in the LDTC. For purposes of the preceding sentence, “immediate family” shall refer to persons related either as spouses, as parent and child, or as grandparent and grandchild, but shall not include adult siblings over the age of 18.
The LDTC Membership Committee shall consist of at least five members of the LDTC and shall meet from time to time as determined by its chair or within forty-eight (48) hours of a request for a meeting given by at least two (2) of its members in writing or by electronic communication to all of the other members of the sub-committee. At the meeting of the LDTC held in November or December of each odd-numbered year, the LDTC Membership Committee shall report to the LDTC on its progress in recruiting eligible persons to serve on or to fill vacancies existing on the LDTC. Prior to the meeting of the LDTC held in such December or in January of the following even-numbered year, the LDTC Membership Committee shall approve, and at such meeting the LDTC Membership Committee shall present to the LDTC a slate of persons (which may include one or more then-current members of the LDTC that it recommends be approved by the LDTC and, if approved, be recommended to the nominating caucus to be elected Members of the LDTC for the next succeeding term. The Chair of the LDTC Membership Committee shall provide the names of all persons on the slate approved by it to the Webmaster at least five (5) business days before the meeting at which such slate is to be presented to the LDTC, and the Webmaster shall thereupon immediately post the complete list of such names on the LDTC’s website.
(e) Campaign Committee. The Campaign Committee shall be responsible for planning and executing election activities during each municipal and state-wide election.
In furtherance of these responsibilities, the Campaign Committee shall recruit volunteer election workers, arrange for the opening and staffing of a campaign headquarters (if approved by the Executive Committee or the LDTC), develop and arrange for the printing of campaign flyers, signs and other visible campaign materials, assign election duties (such as get-out-the-vote calls, preparation of mailings, distribution of campaign materials, absentee ballot activities, identification of poll-watchers and workers and unofficial checkers), and update and utilize the Voter Activation Network. The Campaign Committee may also appoint individuals (who need not be members of the LDTC) to act as neighborhood “captains,” organizers or election coordinators to organize such activities within specific geographical areas of the town.
Elected members of the LDTC are expected to demonstrate a firm commitment to the Democratic Party through:
• Attendance at the regularly scheduled meetings of the LDTC
• Attendance at special meetings of the LDTC
• Actively participating in the work of at least one sub-committee
• Attendance at fundraising events
• Payment of annual dues
• Attendance and participation in election activities
Each member of the LDTC shall attend at least two-thirds (2/3) of the meetings of the LDTC. Extenuating circumstances will be recognized by the Executive Committee.
At the end of each calendar year, the Executive Committee shall advise any member who has not, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, fulfilled his or her commitments as set forth in Sections 1 and 2 of this Article that he or she will have to meet those requirements in the following year to remain eligible for re-endorsement by the LDTC. At the end of the term, the Executive Committee may recommend to the Membership Committee that any member who has not fulfilled his or her requirements not be put on the LDTC slate
No member of the LDTC shall publicly endorse or take any public action that may be construed as an endorsement of any candidate who is not a member of the Democratic Party. Any member of the LDTC who violates this section may be censured by a majority of the LDTC present and voting at a meeting properly called for the purpose. If censured, the member shall not be endorsed for election by the LDTC at the next party caucus.
The enrolled members of the Democratic Party in the town of Litchfield at a caucus called for the purpose shall, by a majority vote of those present and voting, select party-
endorsed candidates for each municipal office. Any person receiving party endorsement as a candidate for municipal office must be a duly enrolled party member on the date of such endorsement. Notice of the time, place and purpose of such caucus shall be given to all enrolled Democratic voters in the town of Litchfield in the manner required by law. At the caucus, nominations for endorsement as a candidate for municipal office may be made by presentation to the caucus of a slate consisting of candidates recommended by the LDTC, and by nomination of individual candidates from the floor of the caucus.
Prior to any nominating caucus described in Section 1 above, the LDTC, at a meeting called for the purpose, shall approve an LDTC-recommended slate to be presented at the caucus. Such approval shall be made by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Members of the LDTC present and voting at the meeting. Such a slate need not contain a recommended candidate for every office to be elected at the next succeeding municipal election.
Prior to any nominating caucus, the Recording Secretary shall prepare a printed or typed ballot with the names of the LDTC-recommended candidates, designated as provided in Section 2 above, in alphabetical order for each office. The Recording Secretary shall leave enough space on the ballot to write in the names of all persons, if any, nominated from the floor of the caucus.
Candidates for municipal office chosen as provided in Section 1 above shall run in the primary for such office as party-endorsed candidates, provided any such candidate shall be the nominee of the Democratic Party for the office for which he or she is a candidate if no valid opposing candidacy has been filed for nomination by the time required by law. Whenever a primary for nomination to a municipal office is to be held, the nominee of the Democratic Party for such office and the members of the town committee shall be determined by a plurality of votes cast.
Each party endorsement of a candidate to run in a primary for the nomination of candidates for municipal office shall be made not earlier than the fifty-sixth (56th) day nor later than the forty-ninth (49th) day preceding the day of the primary and shall be certified to the Town Clerk, by the Chair or presiding officer and Recording Secretary of the LDTC not later than the forty-eighth (48th) day preceding the day of the primary.
If a party-endorsed candidate for nomination to a municipal office prior to twenty-four (24) hours before the opening of the polls at the primary, dies, or, prior to ten (10) days before the day of the primary, withdraws his or her name from nomination, or for any reason becomes disqualified to hold the office or position for which he or she is a candidate, an endorsement may be made to fill such vacancy by the LDTC, by a majority of the Members of the LDTC present and voting, at a meeting called for that purpose. The Chair may cast a vote on such endorsement to break a tie. This provision shall not affect the right of the Chair to cast any vote as a member of the LDTC to which the Chair is otherwise entitled. The Recording Secretary shall immediately certify the endorsement to fill such vacancy to the Democratic Registrar of Voters. No candidate shall be deemed to have withdrawn until a letter of withdrawal signed by such candidate is filed with the Town Clerk.
If a nomination has been made for a municipal office and the nominee thereafter but prior to twenty-four (24) hours before such opening of the polls on the day of the election for which such nomination has been made, dies, withdraws his or her name, or for any reason becomes disqualified to hold the office or position for which he or she has been nominated, a nomination to fill such vacancy may be made by the LDTC, by a majority of the members of the LDTC present and voting, at a meeting called for that purpose. The Chair may cast a vote on such endorsement to break a tie. This provision shall not affect the right of the Chair to cast any vote as a member of the LDTC to which the Chair is otherwise entitled. In the case of a withdrawal, said nomination shall not be valid until the candidate who has withdrawn has filed a letter of withdrawal signed by such candidate with the Secretary of the State and also has filed a copy with the Town Clerk. The Chair shall certify the nomination to fill such vacancy to the Secretary of the State, and shall file a copy with the Town Clerk. Such certifications of a nomination to fill a vacancy due to death or disqualification shall include a statement setting forth the reason for such vacancy.
The enrolled members of the Democratic Party in the Town of Litchfield at a caucus called for the purpose shall, by plurality vote of those present and voting, select delegates to party conventions. The selection of delegates to any convention shall be by nomination of a slate or by nominations of individual candidates equal to the number of delegates to which the town is entitled under the State Party Rules. All nominees for convention delegate must be duly enrolled party members.
Each selection of delegates to a state or district convention shall be made not earlier than the one-hundred-fortieth (140th) day and not later than the one-hundred-thirty-third (133rd) day preceding the day of the primary for such state or district office, and shall be certified to the Town Clerk by the presiding officer and secretary of the caucus not later than the one-hundred-thirty-second (132nd) day preceding the day of the primary.
Each delegate to a convention selected in conformity with these rules may in writing designate an alternate delegate or a proxy to act for him or her in his or her absence.
If for any reason the LDTC or a caucus fails to make sufficient endorsements of candidates for municipal office or selection of delegates to conventions, as the case may be, State Party Rules should be used.
The Recording Secretary and the Chair or presiding officer of the caucus, as the case may be, shall certify to the Town Clerk the names and street addresses of the party-endorsed candidates and delegates selected as provided in Sections A.1 and B.1, the title of the office or position as delegate for which each person is endorsed or selected, and, where appropriate, the date upon which the primary is to be held.
Special caucuses may be called for any lawful purpose by a majority of the LDTC or by not less than ten percent (10%) of the registered Democratic voters in the Town. The call for any such special caucus shall be in writing. If it is called by vote of the LDTC, the Chair shall sign it. If it is called by not less than ten percent (10%) of the registered Democratic voters, it shall be signed by each of the persons issuing the same.
Notice of the time, place and purpose of any such special caucus shall be given to all registered Democratic voters of the Town at least five (5) days in advance of any such special caucus by publishing such notice at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town and by posting such notice on the bulletin board at Town Hall. After the publication of such notice, the Recording Secretary shall determine whether or not the persons listed in the request for a special caucus are registered voters in the Town of Litchfield and such determination shall be final. The Recording Secretary shall report his or her determination to the special caucus.
The Chair shall be the chair of all special caucuses, unless he or she requests that he or she be temporarily excused to take the floor, in which event the Chair may appoint a temporary chair. The Recording Secretary shall act as secretary at all special caucuses, unless he or she requests that he or she be temporarily excused to take the floor, in which event he or she may appoint a temporary secretary.
The nominations of the Democratic Party to all offices and the election of members of the LDTC shall be made in all respects as provided in the State Party Rules.
The LDTC may amend these rules by a majority vote of its entire membership at a regular or special meeting called for that purpose. These rules may also be amended by a caucus of enrolled party members called by the Chair upon the filing of a petition signed by at least five (5) percent, but not more than five hundred (500) enrolled party members with the Democratic Registrar of Voters. The Chair, or in the event of his or her failure to act, the Vice Chair, shall call such caucus to take action on said petition within twenty (20) days upon filing of said petition with the Democratic Registrar of Voters.
A copy of these rules, or any amendments thereof, shall be filed by the Recording Secretary with the Town Clerk, the Secretary of the State and the secretary of the Democratic State Central Committee within thirty days after adoption by the Democratic Party in the Town of Litchfield. These rules or any amendments to these rules shall not be effective until sixty (60) days after the filing of the same with the Secretary of the State, and shall be deemed to cover the operations of the Democratic Party in the Town of Litchfield until such time as the party adopts a rule or amendment on the same subject matter, consistent with these rules and the State Party Rules.
If any provision of these rules is found to be in conflict with the provisions of the State Party Rules, the provisions of the State Party Rules shall govern. The nominations of the Democratic Party to all public offices and the election of Members of the LDTC and delegates to conventions shall be made in all respects as provided in the State Party Rules.
As used in these rules, the phrase “State Party Rules” means and refers to the Connecticut Democratic State Party Rules, as most recently adopted and amended, as the case may be. At the date of adoption of these rules, the State Party Rules were last amended on May 21, 2012.
The above revised and amended Rules governing the Democratic Party of the Town of Litchfield were approved at a duly called meeting of the Litchfield Democratic Town Committee on February 5, 2013.
Duties of Officers
The duties of the officers of the LDTC shall be as follows:
A. The Chair shall:
1. Act as executive officer of the LDTC and have general management and direction of the business of the LDTC.
2. When present, chair all meetings of the LDTC and the Executive Committee, and when acting as chair conduct all meetings of the LDTC in accordance with these rules.
3. Subject to any limitations set forth in these Rules, determine the number of members of each sub-committee.
4. Appoint the members of all sub-committees, and the chairs thereof, except when the Chair shall authorize a sub-committee to chose its own chair; and serve as a member ex officio of each sub-committee.
5. Furnish a complete list of the members and chairs of such sub-committees to the Corresponding Secretary and the Webmaster; and from time to time inform the Corresponding Secretary and the Webmaster of any changes to such positions.
6. Determine the agenda for each meeting of the LDTC; provided that any such agenda may be amended at the meeting by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the LDTC present and voting.
7. Within 10 days of the election of the Chair in even numbered years, and during the corresponding week of the following odd-numbered year, propose to the Executive Committee a schedule of meetings of the LDTC for the following twelve months.
8. Vote to resolve all tie votes of the LDTC or the Executive Committee, but not otherwise except as provided below or as may be specifically provided in these Rules.
9. Be entitled to vote as a regular member of the LDTC when the vote is by ballot, in which case the Chair shall not have a tie-breaking vote.
10. Counter-sign checks and other orders for the payment of money.
11. Encourage elected and appointed officials of the town to report on the actions taken and issues facing their respective boards, commissions and departments.
B. The Vice Chair shall:
1. Assume all duties of the Chair when the Chair is absent from a meeting, and at other times at the request of the Chair.
2. Assist the Chair in the performance of the duties of the Chair.
C. The Recording Secretary shall:
1. Record the minutes of all meetings of the LDTC, and furnish a copy of the draft thereof, and of the version thereof approved by the LDTC, to each of the Corresponding Secretary and the Webmaster.
2. Keep a record of attendance of members at all meetings of the LDTC.
3. Record the results of all votes taken and ballots cast at all meetings of the LDTC and the Executive Committee.
4. Serve as temporary or permanent secretary of any caucus, if so requested by the Chair and elected by the caucus.
5. Make all filings with public officials (including without limitation the Litchfield town clerk and the Secretary of the State) and the Democratic State Central Committee required by these Rules, including those required by Article III, Section 5, by Article VII, Sections B.1, B.2 and B.6, and by Article XI.
6. Arrange for the publication of legal notices of meetings of the LDTC and of local party caucuses and conventions, as may be required to be published by law or by these Rules.
D. The Corresponding Secretary shall:
1. Circulate to the members of the LDTC the agenda for each meeting prepared by the Chair or the Vice Chair, any written notice of meeting required by these Rules, and the draft minutes of meetings as prepared by the Recording Secretary.
2. Maintain a current list of the members of the LDTC, and of their addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, subject to any limitations imposed by law, and circulate this list to all the members of the LDTC as soon as practicable after the caucus at which the members of the LDTC are elected, and from time to time thereafter as may be necessary to reflect changes in the membership of the LDTC and in their addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
3. Maintain paper copies of all minutes of meetings of the LDTC, and of all correspondence received by the LDTC or by the officers thereof in their capacities as such, and of all other official documents of the LDTC as may be selected for retention by the Chair, in a file or other archive that is accessible upon request to all members of the LDTC.
4. Assist the Chair in replying to correspondence as he or she may request.
5. Arrange for venues for meetings of the LDTC.
6. At the request of the Chair or the LDTC, issue news releases to the media concerning meetings and events sponsored by the LDTC.
E. The Treasurer shall:
1. Collect all dues, proceeds from fund-raising activities, and contributions to the LDTC, and safeguard such funds pending their deposit in the LDTC’s bank account.
2. Maintain a bank account in the name of the LDTC, and deposit all funds of the LDTC in such account.
3. Keep books giving a full and accurate account of money received and disbursed.
4. Provide a financial report to each regular meeting of the LDTC.
5. Countersign checks and other orders for the payment of money.
6. File all necessary financial reports as required by State or local law, and furnish copies thereof to the Chair and the Corresponding Secretary.
F. The Deputy Treasurer shall:
1. In the absence of the Treasurer, serve in the place of the Treasurer as a member of the Executive Committee.
2. Assist the Treasurer in the performance of his or her duties.
3. At the request of the Treasurer, perform such of the duties of the Treasurer (including attending meetings of the Executive Committee) as the Treasurer from time to time may be unable to perform (for example, by reason of absence from the town or the state).
G. The Webmaster shall;
1. Maintain the LDTC’s website.
2. Post on the LDTC website, to the extent not prohibited by applicable law, the current membership list of the Town Committee, the list of members and chair of each of the sub-committees, the agenda of each forthcoming meeting of the LDTC, and the minutes of meetings of the LDTC for at least the preceding twenty-four (24) months.
3. Maintain, in a form that cannot be modified by viewers (e.g., in a “read only” format), the records of the LDTC, either on the LDTC’s website or in an alternative storage medium readily accessible by the members of the LDTC (e.g. in “the cloud”).